Crack the Code!

Imagine that this is an intercepted message from the ambassador of Spain to Turkey, sent to the foreign minister of Spain. It was transmitted soon after the unfortunate shooting-down of a Russian aircraft by Turkish forces. Accordingly, it probably contains the phrase "la Guerra Civil Siria".

Good luck!

A :
B :
C :
D :
E :
F :
G :
H :
I :
J :
K :
L :
M :
N :
O :
P :
Q :
R :
S :
T :
U :
V :
W :
X :
Y :
Z :

Frequency Distribution of Ciphertext


Frequency of Spanish (Ñ = 0.17%)

A joint project of Brendan Bard, Prof. Gregory Bard, and Prof. Seth Dutter, University of Wisconsin---Stout (January 30th, 2019)